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Pregnant Woman Set On Fire By Boyfriend

A man, who did not want to be a dad, doused his pregnant girlfriend in flammable liquid and set her on fire, forcing her to deliver her baby seven weeks premature.
Andrea Grinage, 30, was found with critical burns over much of her body around 11.45am on Friday in Capitol Heights, Maryland, when police and fire crews responded to reports of a fire. She soon went into labour forced by the horrific trauma and gave birth to a baby girl, named Journey Aleah, seven weeks early. Mother and baby are both recovering
Andrea Grinage was able to tell investigators who had attacked her, and said that she suspected he was headed to Washington DC to attack other members of her family. Detectives suceeded in getting the suspect on the phone and talked him into turning himself in. The suspect has not yet been publicly identified by law enforcement. 
The victim was already the mother of two boys, ages 8 and 15. Her father Arthur Grinage Sr said she lost everything in the fire which started when her boyfriend doused her in an accelerant and set her on fire. He is appealing for help on a GoFundMe campaign to help his daughter start over.

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